To the Coffee Cave

Collaboration between Luís Felipe Keresztes Bigatto and Amna Hashmi

With the intent to focus upon the lighthearted and whimsical side of life, To the Coffee Cave is an interactive installation where one could play one’s way through the gallery space, exploring the possibilities of multiple ‘endings’ that one could reach through the choices one makes and the narratives that form from each choice’s journey.

All events in life are interconnected with each other, yet, depending on the choices one makes, the results can be entirely different. The manner in which events, originating from a singular situation, occur, are not always so linear – depending on our choices and actions – while things that are intended may happen as they were planned, the journey to it could take an entirely different route depending upon the decisions we take midst it. Alternately, due to one’s choices, one could possibly arrive at an ending which differs entirely from the original intended one – an alternate/parallel reality, perhaps one can call it; in the same space, an absolutely different result depending upon one’s decisions.

This work follows the story of two people – Lularum and Luc – placed in alternative scenarios borne from the root problem of the lack of coffee.


The work was accompanied by a side publication of the Lularum goes to the Coffee Cave zine – a prequel story bundled with the Lularum side visual novel. Does not come with coffee cups to play!