On the Creation of the Myth

Over the ages, as people come and go, the boundaries of the land ever shifting, the trees of Murree continue to stand constant, ever unchanging. Visitors to the space, the inhabitants come and go, their marks tumbling down to the ravages of times, as the silent monoliths continue to stand guard over the space, silent sentinels bearing testament to the tales of those who had once called that space home.

Heard and absorbed, never to be spoken, these very tales weave into the very fabric of the land, over time becoming the very myth, the one constant in the ever rolling change. But as the layers of prejudice are shed, and newer visitors come to inhabit the space, these bearers and influencers of the tales fall victim as well, to the unrelenting spokes of change.

So what happens when they are no more? If the very core disappears, is the Murree of the forest soon to become a part of the myth too?

The landscape changes. What was familiar is no more. Reality becomes a dream, as the new guard of concrete rises, sold to those who can afford it.


Combining images with QR codes, the multilayered Index of Illusions is an attempt to captured the multiple realities that exist in the space of Murree – that which is seen, that which was heard, and that which was dreamt by those that live.